

Balco signs order for conversion of balconies outside Stockholm

Balco has signed a cooperation agreement regarding the production and delivery of balconies to a tenant-owners association in Täby outside Stockholm. The order, which is for a turnkey project, involves new glazed balconies in accordance with the Balco method and is worth approximately SEK 100 million. Start of the project, which is not yet included in the Company’s order backlog, will take place once the customer has been granted planning permission.

Balco has entered into a cooperation agreement with a HSB tenant-owners association in Täby outside Stockholm regarding production and installation of new balconies. The order involves the conversion and renovation of existing balconies and is worth approximately SEK 100 million. The delivery includes dismantling, project planning, delivery of new fastening systems, balcony floors, roofs and the Balco Air glazing system with Clean-line, Ventech and the Twin windows system. The order value is not included in the order backlog which Balco is reporting in today’s report for the first quarter of 2018. The production phase will commence once planning permission is granted, and thus it is anticipated that the project will contribute to sales in 2019 and 2020. It is estimated that the project will take one year to complete from start of the project.

“The order from the tenant-owners association in Täby is testimony to the fact that we have quality products, great industry know-how and good delivery capacity which facilitates establishment with short lead times. We are continuing to create our own market and we perceive positive opportunities to continue our organic growth. That is the case both in the Nordic region, where we are the market leader, and also in the rest of northern Europe”, says Kenneth Lundahl, President and CEO of Balco, in a comment.

For more information, please contact:
Kenneth Lundahl, President and CEO, 070-630 20 57,
Cecilia Lannebo, Head of IR, 072-220 82 77,




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Balco – Europas største altanfirma

Drømmer du også om et uderum, når solens stråler varmer udenfor? I så fald er du langt fra alene. Med en åben eller glasinddækket altan får du ikke bare ekstra kvadratmeter tilføjet til dit hjem, men også en markant forøgelse af boligens værdi.

En altan åbner dit hjem mod naturen, forlænger udesæsonen og giver sågar støtte til dit humør og helbred. Vælger du en glasinddækket altan kan du mindske støj fra eksempelvis en nærliggende motorvej. Derudover reducerer en glasinddækket altan udgifterne til opvarmning betragteligt, idet solens varme bliver indfanget og udnyttet. Godt for pengepungen – godt for klimaet.

Vi leverer altaner af uhørt høj kvalitet og i et æstetisk design. Kombineret med en lang erfaring og solid økonomi er vi en pålidelig og stabil samarbejdspartner, som sikrer dig en tryg byggeproces.

Balco har kontorer rundt om i Europa: Sverige, Norge, Finland, Tyskland, Storbritannien, Polen og Holland.

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Åben altan fra Balco
Glasinddækket altan fra Balco

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